
Francesca Arcelli Fontana




2023 Automated Detection of Software Performance Antipatterns in Java-Based Applications Trubiani, C., Pinciroli, R., Biaggi, A., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2023). Automated Detection of Software Performance Antipatterns in Java-Based Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 49(4), 2873-2891 [10.1109/TSE.2023.3234321].2023 Impact of Architectural Smells on Software Performance: an Exploratory Study Arcelli Fontana, F., Camilli, M., Rendina, D., Taraboi, A., Trubiani, C. (2023). Impact of Architectural Smells on Software Performance: an Exploratory Study. In EASE '23: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (pp.22-31). Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/3593434.3593442].2023 A New Approach for Software Quality Assessment Based on Automated Code Anomalies Detection Biaggi, A., Azadi, U., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2023). A New Approach for Software Quality Assessment Based on Automated Code Anomalies Detection. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering ENASE (pp.546-553). Science and Technology Publications, Lda [10.5220/0011965200003464].2023 Detecting Architecture Debt in Micro-Service Open-Source Projects Capilla, R., Arcelli Fontana, F., Mikkonen, T., Bacchiega, P., Salamanca, V. (2023). Detecting Architecture Debt in Micro-Service Open-Source Projects. In Proceedings - 2023 49th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2023 (pp.394-401). IEEE Computer Society [10.1109/SEAA60479.2023.00066].2023 Kubernetes-Enabled Detection and Resolution of Architectural Smells for Microservices Soldani, J., Rendina, D., Arcelli Fontana, F., Brogi, A. (2023). Kubernetes-Enabled Detection and Resolution of Architectural Smells for Microservices. In Proceedings - 17th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering, SOSE 2023 (pp.75-80). IEEE [10.1109/SOSE58276.2023.00015].2023 Architecture Smells vs. Concurrency Bugs: an Exploratory Study and Negative Results Andrew Tamburri, D., ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Roveda, R., Lenarduzzi, V. (2023). Architecture Smells vs. Concurrency Bugs: an Exploratory Study and Negative Results [Altro] [10.48550/arXiv.2303.17862].


2022 On the relation between architectural smells and source code changes Sas, D., Avgeriou, P., Pigazzini, I., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2022). On the relation between architectural smells and source code changes. JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE, 34(1) [10.1002/smr.2398].2022 PILOT: Synergy between Text Processing and Neural Networks to Detect Self-Admitted Technical Debt Di Salle, A., Rota, A., Nguyen, P., Di Ruscio, D., Arcelli Fontana, F., Sala, I. (2022). PILOT: Synergy between Text Processing and Neural Networks to Detect Self-Admitted Technical Debt. In Proceedings - International Conference on Technical Debt 2022, TechDebt 2022 (pp.41-45). IEEE [10.1145/3524843.3528093].2022 Hints on Designing and Running Project-based Exams for a Software Engineering Course Raibulet, C., Arcelli, F., Pigazzini, I. (2022). Hints on Designing and Running Project-based Exams for a Software Engineering Course. In Proceedings - Designing and Running Project-Based Courses in Software Engineering Education, DREE 2022 (pp.15-19). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1145/3524487.3527355].2022 Exploiting dynamic analysis for architectural smell detection: a preliminary study Pigazzini, I., Di Nucci, D., Fontana, F., Belotti, M. (2022). Exploiting dynamic analysis for architectural smell detection: a preliminary study. In 2022 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (pp.282-289). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/SEAA56994.2022.00051].


2021 Beyond Technical Aspects: How Do Community Smells Influence the Intensity of Code Smells? Palomba, F., Tamburri, D., Arcelli Fontana, F., Oliveto, R., Zaidman, A., Serebrenik, A. (2021). Beyond Technical Aspects: How Do Community Smells Influence the Intensity of Code Smells?. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 47(1), 108-129 [10.1109/TSE.2018.2883603].2021 A systematic literature review on Technical Debt prioritization: Strategies, processes, factors, and tools Lenarduzzi, V., Besker, T., Taibi, D., Martini, A., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2021). A systematic literature review on Technical Debt prioritization: Strategies, processes, factors, and tools. THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, 171 [10.1016/j.jss.2020.110827].2021 An Overview and Comparison of Technical Debt Measurement Tools Avgeriou, P., Taibi, D., Ampatzoglou, A., Arcelli Fontana, F., Besker, T., Chatzigeorgiou, A., et al. (2021). An Overview and Comparison of Technical Debt Measurement Tools. IEEE SOFTWARE, 38(3), 61-71 [10.1109/MS.2020.3024958].2021 Internal Software Quality Evaluation of Self-adaptive Systems Using Metrics, Patterns, and Smells Raibulet, C., Arcelli, F., Carettoni, S. (2021). Internal Software Quality Evaluation of Self-adaptive Systems Using Metrics, Patterns, and Smells. In Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering 15th International Conference, ENASE 2020, Prague, Czech Republic, May 5–6, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (pp.386-419). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH [10.1007/978-3-030-70006-5_16].2021 Evaluating the Architectural Debt of IoT Projects Fontana, F., Pigazzini, I. (2021). Evaluating the Architectural Debt of IoT Projects. In 2021 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Practices for the IoT (SERP4IoT) (pp.27-31). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/SERP4IoT52556.2021.00011].2021 A study on correlations between architectural smells and design patterns Pigazzini, I., ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Walter, B. (2021). A study on correlations between architectural smells and design patterns. THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, 178(August 2021) [10.1016/j.jss.2021.110984].2021 Impact of Opportunistic Reuse Practices to Technical Debt Capilla, R., Mikkonen, T., Carrillo, C., ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Pigazzini, I., Lenarduzzi, V. (2021). Impact of Opportunistic Reuse Practices to Technical Debt. In Proceedings - 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Technical Debt, TechDebt 2021 (pp.16-25). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/TechDebt52882.2021.00011].2021 The perception of Architectural Smells in industrial practice Sas, D., Pigazzini, I., Avgeriou, P., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2021). The perception of Architectural Smells in industrial practice. IEEE SOFTWARE, 38(6), 35-41 [10.1109/MS.2021.3103664].2021 DebtHunter: A machine learning-based approach for detecting self-admitted technical debt Sala, I., Tommasel, A., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2021). DebtHunter: A machine learning-based approach for detecting self-admitted technical debt. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (pp.278-283). 1601 Broadway, 10th Floor, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES : Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/3463274.3464455].2021 Architectural technical debt of multiagent systems development platforms Pigazzini, I., Briola, D., Arcelli, F. (2021). Architectural technical debt of multiagent systems development platforms. In 22nd Workshop "From Objects to Agents", WOA 2021 (pp.1-13). CEUR-WS.
2020 A preliminary analysis of self-adaptive systems according to different issues Raibulet, C., Arcelli Fontana, F., Carettoni, S. (2020). A preliminary analysis of self-adaptive systems according to different issues. SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL, 28(3), 1213-1243 [10.1007/s11219-020-09502-5].2020 Improving change prediction models with code smell-related information Catolino, G., Palomba, F., Arcelli, F., De Lucia, A., Zaidman, A., Ferrucci, F. (2020). Improving change prediction models with code smell-related information. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 25(1), 49-95 [10.1007/s10664-019-09739-0].2020 SAS vs. NSAS: Analysis and comparison of self-adaptive systems and non-self-adaptive systems based on smells and patterns Raibulet, C., Arcelli, F., Carettoni, S. (2020). SAS vs. NSAS: Analysis and comparison of self-adaptive systems and non-self-adaptive systems based on smells and patterns. In ENASE 2020 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (pp.490-497). SciTePress [10.5220/0009513504900497].2020 Sen4Smells: A tool for ranking sensitive smells for an architecture debt index Diaz-Pace, J., Tommasel, A., Pigazzini, I., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2020). Sen4Smells: A tool for ranking sensitive smells for an architecture debt index. In 2020 IEEE Congreso Bienal de Argentina, ARGENCON 2020 - 2020 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2020 (pp.1-7). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/ARGENCON49523.2020.9505535].2020 Towards microservice smells detection Pigazzini, I., Arcelli Fontana, F., Lenarduzzi, V., Taibi, D. (2020). Towards microservice smells detection. In TechDebt '20: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technical Debt (pp.92-97). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc [10.1145/3387906.3388625].


2019 Toward a Smell-aware Bug Prediction Model Palomba, F., Zanoni, M., Arcelli Fontana, F., De Lucia, A., Oliveto, R. (2019). Toward a Smell-aware Bug Prediction Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 45(2), 194-218 [10.1109/TSE.2017.2770122].2019 PageRank and criticality of architectural smells Fontana, F., Pigazzini, I., Raibulet, C., Basciano, S., Roveda, R. (2019). PageRank and criticality of architectural smells. In ECSA '19 Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Software Architecture - Volume 2 (pp.197-204). New York : Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/3344948.3344982].2019 Tool Support for the Migration to Microservice Architecture: An Industrial Case Study Pigazzini, I., Arcelli Fontana, F., Maggioni, A. (2019). Tool Support for the Migration to Microservice Architecture: An Industrial Case Study. In Software Architecture. 13th European Conference, ECSA 2019, Paris, France, September 9–13, 2019, Proceedings (pp.247-263) [10.1007/978-3-030-29983-5_17].2019 A Study on Architectural Smells Prediction Arcelli Fontana, F., Avgeriou, P., Pigazzini, I., Roveda, R. (2019). A Study on Architectural Smells Prediction. In Proceedings - 45th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2019 (pp.333-337). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/SEAA.2019.00057].2019 Teaching Software Engineering Tools to Undergraduate Students Raibulet, C., Fontana, F., Pigazzini, I. (2019). Teaching Software Engineering Tools to Undergraduate Students. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers, ICETC 2019 (pp.262-267) [10.1145/3369255.3369300].2019 Architectural smells detected by tools: A catalogue proposal Azadi, U., Arcelli Fontana, F., Taibi, D. (2019). Architectural smells detected by tools: A catalogue proposal. In Proceedings - 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Technical Debt, TechDebt 2019 (pp.88-97). 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/TechDebt.2019.00027].2019 Investigating Instability Architectural Smells Evolution: An Exploratory Case Study Sas, D., Avgeriou, P., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2019). Investigating Instability Architectural Smells Evolution: An Exploratory Case Study. In Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSME 2019 (pp.557-567). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/ICSME.2019.00090].2019 Are architectural smells independent from code smells? An empirical study Arcelli Fontana, F., Lenarduzzi, V., Roveda, R., Taibi, D. (2019). Are architectural smells independent from code smells? An empirical study. THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, 154, 139-156 [10.1016/j.jss.2019.04.066].


2018 Collaborative and teamwork software development in an undergraduate software engineering course Raibulet, C., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2018). Collaborative and teamwork software development in an undergraduate software engineering course. THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, 144, 409-422 [10.1016/j.jss.2018.07.010].2018 Code smells and their collocations: A large-scale experiment on open-source systems Walter, B., Arcelli Fontana, F., Ferme, V. (2018). Code smells and their collocations: A large-scale experiment on open-source systems. THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, 144, 1-21 [10.1016/j.jss.2018.05.057].2018 Identifying and prioritizing architectural debt through architectural smells: A case study in a large software company Martini, A., Fontana Arcelli, F., Biaggi, A., Roveda, R. (2018). Identifying and prioritizing architectural debt through architectural smells: A case study in a large software company. In Software Architecture (pp.320-335). Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-030-00761-4_21].2018 An architectural smells detection tool for C and C++ projects Biaggi, A., Arcelli Fontana, F., Roveda, R. (2018). An architectural smells detection tool for C and C++ projects. In Proceedings - 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2018 (pp.417-420). 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/SEAA.2018.00074].2018 Towards an Architectural Debt Index Roveda, R., Arcelli Fontana, F., Pigazzini, I., Zanoni, M. (2018). Towards an Architectural Debt Index. In 2018 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (pp.408-416). IEEE [10.1109/SEAA.2018.00073].2018 How do community smells influence code smells? Palomba, F., Tamburri, D., Serebrenik, A., Zaidman, A., Arcelli Fontana, F., Oliveto, R. (2018). How do community smells influence code smells?. In ICSE '18 Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings (pp.240-241). 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA : IEEE Computer Society [10.1145/3183440.3194950].2018 Machine learning based code smell detection through WekaNose Azadi, U., Arcelli Fontana, F., Zanoni, M. (2018). Machine learning based code smell detection through WekaNose. In ICSE '18 Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings (pp.288-289). 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA : IEEE Computer Society [10.1145/3183440.3194974].2018 Automatic detection of sources and sinks in arbitrary Java libraries Sas, D., Bessi, M., Arcelli Fontana, F. (2018). Automatic detection of sources and sinks in arbitrary Java libraries. In Proceedings - 18th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, SCAM 2018 (pp.103-112). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/SCAM.2018.00019].2018 Support for architectural smell refactoring Rizzi, L., Arcelli Fontana, F., Roveda, R. (2018). Support for architectural smell refactoring. In IWoR 2018 Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Refactoring (pp.7-10). ACM [10.1145/3242163.3242165].


2017 An Overview on Quality Evaluation of Self-Adaptive Systems Raibulet, C., Arcelli Fontana, F., Capilla, R., Carrillo, C. (2017). An Overview on Quality Evaluation of Self-Adaptive Systems. In I. Mistrik, N. Ali, R. Kazman, J. Grundy, B. Schmerl (a cura di), Managing Trade-Offs in Adaptable Software Architectures (pp. 325-352). Elsevier [10.1016/B978-0-12-802855-1.00013-7].2017 Automatic detection of instability architectural smells ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Pigazzini, I., Roveda, R., Zanoni, M. (2017). Automatic detection of instability architectural smells. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2016) (pp.433-437). Raleigh : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/ICSME.2016.33].2017 Smells like teen spirit: Improving bug prediction performance using the intensity of code smells Palomba, F., Zanoni, M., Arcelli Fontana, F., De Lucia, A., Oliveto, R. (2017). Smells like teen spirit: Improving bug prediction performance using the intensity of code smells. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2016) (pp.244-255). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/ICSME.2016.27].2017 Code smell severity classification using machine learning techniques ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Zanoni, M. (2017). Code smell severity classification using machine learning techniques. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, 128, 43-58 [10.1016/j.knosys.2017.04.014].2017 Students' feedback in using GitHub in a project development for a software engineering course ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Raibulet, C. (2017). Students' feedback in using GitHub in a project development for a software engineering course. In ACM Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (pp.380-380). Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/3059009.3072984].2017 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evaluation ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Walter, B., Zanoni, M. (2017). IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evaluation. In IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evaluation. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..2017 Arcan: A tool for architectural smells detection ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Pigazzini, I., Roveda, R., Tamburri, D., Zanoni, M., Nitto, E. (2017). Arcan: A tool for architectural smells detection. In Proceeding of the International Conference On Software Architecture (ICSA 2017) IEEE (pp.282-285). Gothemburg : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/ICSAW.2017.16].2017 Does the migration to GitHub relate to internal software quality? Roveda, R., ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Raibulet, C., Zanoni, M., Rampazzo, F. (2017). Does the migration to GitHub relate to internal software quality?. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering 2017 (pp.293-300). SciTePress [10.5220/0006367402930300].2017 Change prediction through coding rules violations Tollin, I., Arcelli Fontana, F., Zanoni, M., Roveda, R. (2017). Change prediction through coding rules violations. In ACM Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE) (pp.61-64). Karlskrona : Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/3084226.3084282].2017 Ninth international workshop on managing technical debt report on the MTD 2017 workshop Arcelli Fontana, F., Trumler, W., Izurieta, C., Nord, R. (2017). Ninth international workshop on managing technical debt report on the MTD 2017 workshop. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (pp.1-3). Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/3120459.3120461].2017 Model-driven reverse engineering approaches: A systematic literature review Raibulet, C., ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Zanoni, M. (2017). Model-driven reverse engineering approaches: A systematic literature review. IEEE ACCESS, 5, 14516-14542 [10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2733518].2017 Evaluation of self-Adaptive systems: A women perspective Raibulet, C., ARCELLI FONTANA, F. (2017). Evaluation of self-Adaptive systems: A women perspective. In Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings (pp.23-30). Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/3129790.3129825].2017 Technical Debt in Agile Development: Report on the Ninth Workshop on Managing Technical Debt ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Chatzigeorgiou, A., Trumler, W., Izurieta, C., Avgeriou, P., Nord, R. (2017). Technical Debt in Agile Development: Report on the Ninth Workshop on Managing Technical Debt. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING NOTES, 42(3), 18-21 [10.1145/3127360.3127372].2017 Alternatives to the Knowledge Discovery Metamodel: An Investigation ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Raibulet, C., Zanoni, M. (2017). Alternatives to the Knowledge Discovery Metamodel: An Investigation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, 27(7), 1097-1128 [10.1142/S0218194017500413].


2016 Anti-pattern and code smell false positives: Preliminary conceptualisation and classification ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Dietrich, J., Walter, B., Yamashita, A., Zanoni, M. (2016). Anti-pattern and code smell false positives: Preliminary conceptualisation and classification. In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2016) (pp.609-613). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/SANER.2016.84].2016 Tool support for evaluating architectural debt of an existing system: An experience report ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Roveda, R., Zanoni, M. (2016). Tool support for evaluating architectural debt of an existing system: An experience report. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2016) (pp.1347-1349). Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/2851613.2851963].2016 An experience report on detecting and repairing software architecture erosion ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Roveda, R., Zanoni, M., Raibulet, C., Capilla, R. (2016). An experience report on detecting and repairing software architecture erosion. In Proceedings of the 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2016) (pp.21-30). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/WICSA.2016.37].2016 Technical Debt Indexes Provided by Tools: A Preliminary Discussion ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Roveda, R., Zanoni, M. (2016). Technical Debt Indexes Provided by Tools: A Preliminary Discussion. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD 2016) (pp.28-31). Raleigh : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/MTD.2016.11].2016 On evaluating the impact of the refactoring of architectural problems on software quality ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Roveda, R., Vittori, S., Metelli, A., Saldarini, S., Mazzei, F. (2016). On evaluating the impact of the refactoring of architectural problems on software quality. In Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop Proceedings of XP2016 (pp.1-8). Edimburg : Association for Computing Machinery [10.1145/2962695.2962716].2016 Comparing and experimenting machine learning techniques for code smell detection ARCELLI FONTANA, F., Mäntylä, M., Zanoni, M., Marino, A. (2016). Comparing and experimenting machine learning techniques for code smell detection. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 21(3), 1143-1191 [10.1007/s10664-015-9378-4].