Several Bachelor and Master theses have been done in the last years in software quality assessment, technical debt management and computation, empirical studies on the correlations between architectural smells and co-changes and other issues, exploiting LLM for architectural smells refactoring and detection, security smell detection in microservice projects, evaluating the impact of architectural smell refactoring on performance and energy consumption and other thesis in the software engineering area.
- Irene Sala. “The Development of a Tool for Self-Admitted Technical Debt Detection”. Master. 2021
- Davide Messina. “Dynamic-based Cyclic Dependency smell detection”. Bachelor. 2021
- Marco Poveromo. “Provisioning One Touch of CPE Enterprise by branded Android App”. Bachelor. 2020. At Cybaze s.p.a.
- Alessandra Rota. “Identificazione di architectural smells legati alle gerarchie di sistemi object oriented”. Bachelor. 2020
- Federico Locatelli. “Exploiting Architectural Smells Detection for the Migration towards a Microservice Architecture”. Bachelor. 2020. At Anoki
- Umberto Azadi. “Automation of duplicate code detection and refactoring”. Master. 2020
- Beatrice Stropeni. “Identificazione di smell architetturali in progetti Python”. Bachelor. 2020
- Davide Rendina. “Estensione di un tool esistente per il riconoscimento di nuovi architectural smells”. Bachelor. 2020
- Gianlorenzo Occhipinti. “Automatic computation of HubLike Dependency cost solving “. Bachelor. 2020
- Andrea Brivio. “Riconoscimento automatico dei pattern architetturali legati alla persistenza”. Bachelor. 2020
- Paolo Bacchiega. “Automatic Recovery of Microservices Architecture”. Bachelor. 2020
- Andrea Biaggi. “Code Anomalies Detection using Artificial Immune Systems”. Master. 2019
- Luca Rizzi. ” Automatic Support for Architectural Smell Refactoring: Cyclic Dependency “. Master. 2019
- Marco Belotti. “Automatic detection of software architectural smells through dynamic analysis techniques”. Master. 2019
- Simone Carettoni. “Evaluating Software Quality in Self-Adaptive and Non Self-Adaptive Systems”. Master. 2019
- Riccardo Roveda. “Identify and Evaluating Software Architecture Erosion”. Ph.D. 2018
- Enrico Lio. “SonarQube violation effects on Fault proneness: an empirical study on their persistence”. Master. 2018
- Darius Sas. “Automatic detection of malicious data sources and sensitive data sinks in Java libraries”. Master. 2018. At CAST Software
- Pietro Parini. “Il futuro dei contratti legali: smart legal contracts su piattaforma blockchain Hyperledger IBM”. Bachelor. 2018. At ThinkOpen
- Andrea Biaggi. “An Architectural Smells Detection Tool for C and C++ Projects”. Bachelor. 2017
- Luca Rizzi. “Support for Architectural Smell Refactoring “. Bachelor. 2017
- Ilaria Pigazzini. “Automatic detection of software architecture anomalies”. Bachelor. 2016
- Federico Aliprandi. “Metrics computation for empirical analysis on software repository”. 2015
- Gianluca Randazzo. “Sviluppo di un framework per la Reverse Engineering di sistemi in linguaggi non tipizzati”. 2015
- Marco Turri. “Re-engineering and interface definition of a Java Code Analysis Tool”. 2015
- Arianna Blasi. “Re-engineering of a Java Code Analysis Tool for Performance Optimization”. 2015
- Antonio Ceparano. “Un approccio unificato alla Reverse Engineering del software e dei dati”. 2015
- Darius Sas. “Reverse Engineering e analisi di app per dispositivi Android”. Bachelor. 2015
- Matteo Rolla. “Empirical analysis for software assessment”. 2014.
- Riccardo Roveda. “Discovery e analisi di sistemi open source”. Master. 2014.
Francesco Zanoni. “Duplicated Code Refactoring Advisor (DCRA): a tool aimed at suggesting the best refactoring techniques of Java code clones”. 2013.
Alessandro Marino. “Code smell detection through machine learning techniques and metrics analysis”. 2013.
Vincenzo Ferme. “JCodeOdor:A Software Quality Advisor Through Design Flaws Detection”. 2013.
- Andrea Caracciolo. “DPB: Una soluzione di benchmark per strumenti di design pattern detection”. January, 2012.
- Dario Ferrari. “Identificazion Automatica di Code Smell: Strumenti ed Esperimenti”. March, 2011.
- Germano Gramazio. “Classificazione e riconoscimento di code smells in MARPLE”. March, 2011.
- Valerio Zamboni. “Riconoscimento di anti pattern e calcolo di metriche per la qualità del codice”. November, 2011.
- Riccardo Roveda. “Individuazione automatica di code smells”. Bachelor. November, 2011.
Christian Tosi. “MARPLE: classification techniques applied to design pattern detection”. July, 2008.
Marco Zanoni. “MARPLE: discovering structured groups of classes for design pattern detection”. July, 2008.
Mattia Vivanti. “MARPLE: realizzazione di un modello per la rappresentazione delle metriche software”. October, 2008.
Riccardo Porrini. “Utilizzo del framework EMF per l’implementazione di un modello per la ricostruzione dell’architettura software”. October, 2008.
Antonio Tuozzolo. “MARPLE: implementazione di metriche del software orientato agli oggetti”. October, 2008.
Simone Giansante. “Migration to SOA: methodologies and tools”. December, 2008.
Francesca Petitto. “POML2EDP: EDP Detection starting from an XML File”, February, 2006.
Stefano Maggioni. “A new approach for design patterns recognition through design patterns clues”. February, 2006.
Claudio Riva and Marco Gorni. “Application Portfolio Management: analysis of a financial applications with KB-AIM”. April, 2006.
Christian Tosi. “A new approach for discovering Design Patterns basing on subcomponents: EDP and DPClues”. July, 2006.
Marco Zanoni. “Joiner: from subcomponents to Design Patterns”. July, 2006.
Luca Cristina. “Exploiting supervised classification techniques for design pattern detection”. October, 2006.
- Omar Battistotti. “PTIDEJ: Tool Experimentation for Design Patterns Detection”, February, 2005.
- Gaetano Fusco. “Dynamic Analysis of Source Code for Software Architecture Reconstruction”, April, 2005.
- Barbara Balzan. “PTIDEJ: Analysis and Tool Experimentation for Reverse-Engineering and Design Patterns Detection”, April, 2005.
- Daniele De Bortoli. “Pattern-Based Reverse Engineering in FUJABA”, April, 2005.
- Lorenzo Conti. “Design Pattern and Elemental Design Pattern Recognition with FUJABA”, September, 2005.
- Maria Teresa Tripodi. “Design Pattern and Elemental Design Pattern Recognition in JUnit”, September, 2005.
- Laura Masciadri. “Reverse engineering of web applications. Case study: JavaScript”. October, 2005.
- Roberto Frigerio. “A plug in for Eclipse for EDP Detection”, October, 2005.
- Ivano Rigo. “An Eclipse Plug-in for the Java Path Finder Runtime Verification System”. December, 2005.
- Stefano Masiero. “Design Pattern Recognition within the Reverse-Engineering: The Role of Sub-Patterns”. October, 2004.
- Giovanni Borzi. “Experimentation of Tools for Software Architecture Reconstruction”, December, 2004.
- Davide Bellinzona. “J2POML: Information Extraction from Java Source Code for Design Pattern Detection”, December, 2004.